
About Us

Cold Chain Management i.e. transportation of temperature sensitive products like ice cream, fish, poultry ,juices, milk, as well as vaccines etc.- is a growing sector in India. Carry cool enterprise is the pioneer in creating various products used in cold chain management. Established in 1999, our first product was pads which were well accepted in market due to good quality and cost competitiveness.

Carry Cool has been serving customers from various spheres in India, over last 15 years, with an objective to give value for customers money. Our Products are widely accepted in India, We have also exported our products to Kenya, Sudan and some other African countries.

 Carry Cool is committed to international quality standards, comparative prices and       quick response to your enquiries and we commit to do the same even in future. 

From Jammu to Tiruchirapally or Dwarka to Aizwal- we have a customer network of over 5000 satisfied and happy buyers spread all over the country. We have a reputation of being the most reliable, satisfactory and quality conscious brand of cold chain products in India. Our significant assets include - transparent business policy, honesty, loyalty and openness with customer. Reliability and continuous up gradation of our products are our business philosophy and we have many innovative products, developed and successfully marketed in India.

Today, in all we have 4 product categories :-

· Pads
· Insulated bags
· Insulated Boxes
· Cold room clothing